How we take supplements can be just as important as whether we take them at all. Some products are best taken on an empty stomach, some best taken at night. In this article I’ve broken down the best literature from scientific studies and Ayurvedic writers to find out the best ways to take Ashwagandha.
When to Take It? Day Or Night
Ashwagandha has immense health benefits for stress, energy, and even weight loss. The reason you’re taking Ashwagandha has a bit influence on when you should take it.
If you’re looking to this root for help with energy, weight loss, or helping with anxiety before a stressful day or situation, you should take Ashwagandha in the mornings. Most people don’t tolerate it well on an empty stomach, and I found no specific benefit to taking it without food, so having it with breakfast or your morning smoothie would be a great idea.
If you’re taking Ashwagandha to help with total-body systems, to reduce long-term anxiety, or for better sleep. People taking Ashwagandha at night have reported best results taking it mixed in milk (more on that below).
What’s Best–Powder, Mix, or Pill
With an herbal supplement that’s been around for hundreds of years, it makes sense that there are dozens of suggestions for taking it. In the case of Ashwagandha root, I’ve narrowed it down the best ways to take it for digestive ease, best results, and scientific evidence.
Digestive Ease
Ashwagandha gets its name from Hindi words meaning “horse root.” As that may imply, it is a strong smelling and strong tasting herb. Many people report stomach sensitivity when taking it in powder form. That’s why some experts recommend taking it with a mixture of other foods or liquids.
Mixed with Warm Milk: Either as Churna (next entry), or mixing the Ashwagandha powder right into warm milk. Best before bed.

As Tea: Simply steep the whole roots in tea until your desired strength is achieved. Good at night or throughout the day, as it’s caffeine free

Melted into Butter: some people find that the best way to take Ashwagandha is by mixing it into melting butter. The natural fats and proteins in the butter tend to emulsify the Ashwagandha as well as any liquid, and the resulting taste lends well to savory dishes.

Best for Total Benefits
The following forms of Ashwagandha are great for total-heatlth benefits, as well as exploring other herbs.

How Scientists Use Ashwagandha
In several studies I’ve reported on, scientists have administered Ashwgandha to participants in scientific trials. It’s important to note two things that are consistent with how scientists got their best results.
We should always know why we’re taking a supplement. Whether we’re looking for overall wellness or a special benefit, we shouldn’t take something just because everyone else is. By the same token, we shouldn’t take a supplement the same way everyone else takes it just because they say so.
Because there are several ways that we can take Ashwagandha, I recommend evaluating your specific health needs, discussing a plan with your doctor, and trying several methods. Make sure to listen to your body, and stick with what’s best for you.